EntranceCourtyardOutdoor tablesLunch in verandaRestaurant roomReceptionSeatings in verandaRestaurant roomPrivate room for special occasionsArtichokes&Grana cheese saladHis Majesty: Baccalà alla Vicentina (Vicenza style stockfish) Autimn FlanPotato & black cabbage soupRicotta-dumplings with chanterellesRestaurant roomRestaurant roomRestaurant roomPrivate room for special occasionRestaurant roomPrivate room for special occasionTartare filletCarpaccio with white Bassano asparagusTraditional consommé Bigoli with duck ragoutPasta with Valdastico trout fillet and vegetablesHome-made ravioliGreen fettuccine with green peas, bacon and "burrata" cheeseWhite asparagus au gratinGnocchi with wild herbs and aged local cheeseVegetable soupChar and red radicchioVeneto style troutOctopus saladLamb cutletsVegetable flanTrout saladChicken chinks with herbsHome made TiramisùSorbettoDessertSorbettoDessertTart for ceremonyHome-made apple pieBreakfast buffetBreakfastBreakfast buffetSuperior single room, East floorSuperior East floor- Junior SuiteSuperior East floor- Junior SuiteSuperior East floor- double roomSuperior East floor- double roomEconomy West floor- double or single roomEconomy West floor- double roomEconomy West floor- single roomEconomy West floor- double roomVicenza: 8kmVilla La Rotonda: 12kmMarostica: 18kmBassano del Grappa: 30kmPadua: 40kmAsiago mountains: 48kmVenice: 75kmVerona: 75km
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